Law Office of Clifford Womack, Fort Worth Texas disability attorney Tarrant County Court Locations - Attorney Womack

Tarrant County Courts

tarrant county courthouseIf your case is within the jurisdiction of Tarrant County and you are utilizing the resources of our law firm, then it is likely that your case will be litigated through the Tarrant County court system in Downtown Fort Worth. Since each court administers to a different area of the law, you may find it helpful to become familiarized with the location of the court buildings which will serve your specific legal needs. The map and information below is taken directly from the Official Tarrant County Website. On this website, you will also be able to find specific information regarding the function, departments, and personnel of each court.


tarrant county court map

Fort Worth Municipal Court
1000 Throckmorton Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 392-6700

The Fort Worth Municipal Court hears cases of city ordinance and code violations, parking and traffic violations and school attendance violations. Additionally, you will find information related to traffic and general citations, warrants, and important information regarding Rules of the Court you should know before showing up for trial.


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